And the final goodbyes - Tour Da Puri

On our 5 day Puri trip, when the first time time i set foot mo that white , clean sand with waves and waves as far the eyes go, i forgot myself, surrounding reality. I kept my camera, cellphone aside. Because i am one of those few silly people who still want to experience the joy, feel the touch of wet sand slipping through your feet with each passing wave. I just sat there and watched, watched the kids laugh, play, have life of that moment. And i am glad i did that. Those memories unedited, untouched, fragile safe in some part of my mind, heart and soul.
Though on the last day of our journey i changed my decision and gave full freedom to the 'photographer me'. And the result was breathtaking. ENJOY! 😊

PS - Watch in HD, full screen, with sound ON.

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