The blame game

Was performing my usual stalking session on Facebook and there i found someone spitting mouthful of #Elphinstone stampede. In the sad incident 22 people died due to poor infrastructure and lack of improvement. Then i logged into Twitter and there it is flooding with 'expert opinion' of all kind from all kind of people. Some of them are -

I don't understand. Help me here-

First, people complained about poor infrastructure problems, demanded advanced technology, bullet trains, like it is in China, Japan, to be in level with these advanced countries.
Then they complained about lack of global tourism spots, demanded gigantic monuments, like that of Greece, America, Australia, to increase tourism spots.
Government started working on these things. Step by step.
Then few rail accidents happen, few people die, sadly.
And now suddenly everyone' priority changed from technology and science to poor existing rail tracks, and small foot over bridge.

I just want to ask these intellectuals one question-
Do you want to halt all the progress and advancement into science and technology until everything changes to perfection?

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